Please forgive me for this being so brief, but it is quite late and others are waiting to use this computer.
We flew via Stockholm to Moscow and arrived this evening. It is cold. About 6 degrees. I have to admit this is a bit intimidating. Most people don’t speak English and all of the signs are in Cyrillic. I am, however, pleased and proud to report that this evening BL and I managed to find a restaurant, order food and pay for it in Roubles. She had borscht. I had vodka.
Our hostel in Moscow (The Godzilla Hostel) is…well, it’s no Hotel Brouwer, but it is clean and has all of the amenities we could need.
We will post when we can. Tomorrow we are off to Red Square and to view Lenin’s body.
That’s all for now.
Da svidanya.
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